>>> Annual Conference ‘2021 (program)
>>> Annual Conference ‘2022 (program)
Submission Deadline: June 1st
The first stage of assessment has already taken place whereby the Editorial Board select only the proposals, which met the strict requirements of subject coverage and scholarly attainment. At this stage, we need to ensure that the papers that were submitted for publication in the conference volume fully comply with the style guidelines, and are also formatted in a way that allows a smooth and prompt reviewing process.
Each paper should therefore be submitted to the editors in 2 (two) versions:
– The first version should contain full details of the author, and it should be formatted according to the instructions listed below (please, see below: FORMAT OF FINAL VERSION).
– The second version should be submitted in a separate, and fully anonymised, file, containing the main text, but without the author’s name or affiliations so that the identity of the author is not disclosed to the peer reviewers (please, see below: Format of anonymised version).
Your contribution should be preceded with the title of your paper and your name on a separate title page. Your name should be followed by first footnote including a summary of your academic profile, e.g.:
Dr Emmanuel S. Moutafov is an Associate Professor; Director of the Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; a member of the General Assembly of the same Academy; a Hellenist, Byzantinist, working in the fields of Greek epigraphy and palaeography, Orthodox iconography, painter’s manuals and comparative Balkan Studies.
The document should be produced in MS Word, whether for Mac or PC, Times or Times New Roman, font size 12.
Not more than 18,000 characters including spaces.
Below the title, an abstract should be added of not more than 100 words (600 characters).
Key words:
The maximum of 7, not repeating words/terms included in the title.
Not more than 900 characters with spaces (in English or Bulgarian).
Please, note that the abstract and the summary are not identical.
Not more than 10, in the jpg or tif format (the minimum resolution of 300-600 dpi).
List of illustrations:
In English, French, German or Bulgarian (any list in Bulgarian should be accompanied by an English, French or German translation).
Citation of Greek epigraphic and/or palaeographic material:
Use the Palatino Linotype font or other Unicode font which includes all required characters.
Citation of Cyrillic epigraphic and/or palaeographic material:
Use the BukyVede, http://kodeks.uni-bamberg.de/aksl/schrift/bukyvede.htm or CyrillicaOchrid10U (the font could be downloaded from here).
Use Arabic numerals, i.e. 17th, 18th century, or write ‘… in the seventeenth century…’, ‘… during the eighteenth century…’.
Footnote in the main text: Notes will be printed as footnotes. Note indicators should be Arabic superscript, and should be placed immediately before, and not after, a punctuation mark. E.g. ‘… testimony1.’; ‘… hermeneiai13, used…’.
At the end of the text, authors should provide a list of all cited works in the alphabetical order. Please, use separate headings for Primary sources and Literature.
Citation of books:
Brown 1988: Brown, Peter. The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. New York.
Citation of multi-author books/papers:
Zohar, Salamon, Rubin 2016: Zohar, Motti, Amos Salamon, Rehav Rubin. Reappraised List of Historical Earthquakes that Affected Israel and Its Close Surroundings. – Journal of Seismology, No. 20/3, 971–981.
Citation of articles in books/collections:
Negrau, Elisabeta. The Cult of Saints Dadas, Gobdelas, and Casdoa in the Greek Provinces and Wallachia (16th – 18th Centuries). In: Heroes. Cults. Saints/Art Readings 2015 (eds. Ivanka Gergova, Emmanuel Moutafov). Sofia, 2015, 263–276.
Citation of scientific journals:
Mouriki, Doula. The Portrait of Theodore Studite in Byzantine Art. – Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, No. 20, 243–244.
Citation of MA/PhD theses:
Tričkovska 2008: Tričkovska, Julija. Делата во Македонија на сликарското
семејство на Михаил од Самарина [Delata vo Makedoniјa na slikarskoto semeјstvo na Mihail od Samarina]. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Philosophy. Skopje.
Citation of articles in Cyrillic and Greek:
Please, note that all Cyrillic names and titles should be transliterated into the Latin characters. If a contribution includes a footnote title in Cyrillic, it should be transliterated in [].
E.g. Dinova-Ruseva 2010: Dinova-Ruseva, Vera. Социо-психологически етюд върху личността и творчеството на Захарий Зограф [Socio-psihologicheski etyud varhu lichnostta i tvorchestvoto na Zahariy Zograf]. – Art Studies Quarterly, No. 4, 3–10.
Shchepkina 1974: Shchepkina, Marfa. Тератологический орнамент [Teratologicheskiy ornament]. In: Древнерусское искусство. Рукописная книга [Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo. Rukopisnaya kniga]. 2. Moscow, 219–239.
Mijović 1973: Mijović, Pavle. Менолог. Историjско-уметничка истраживања [Menolog. Istorijsko-umetnička istraživanja]. Belgrade.
For the transliteration of Bulgarian and Russian, see http://2cyr.com/?7
For the transliteration of Serbian and Macedonian Cyrillic, see http://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/serbian_conversion.htm
Please, note that all Greek names should be transliterated into the Latin characters.
E.g. Kalogeropoulos, Nikolaos. Μεταβυζαντινή και νεοελληνική τέχνη. Athens, 1926, 8.
For the transliteration from Greek, see http://gr.translit.cc/
Alongside the obvious need to remove names and affiliations in the title within the main manuscript, further steps need to be taken in order to ensure that the submitted manuscript is ready for the peer-reviewing process. Please, make sure that you:
NOTATE BENE: All authors must make sure that their submissions are formatted according to the style guide. The responsibility for the linguistic and stylistic quality of all contributions rests solely with their authors. We strongly advise that all papers written in non-native languages be proofread and corrected by native speakers or at least by a philologist. Submissions failing to meet the deadline and/or the guidelines outlined above will, regrettably, be rejected.
Please, send both your versions to yearbook@nasledstvo.bg by June 1st (of the year the conference was held). The editors will notify the contributors of the results of the peer-review process by October 1st of the same year.
Heritage BG Centre of Excellence Association
Sofia 1000, 7a ‘General Gurko’ Street